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I really don't know how your parents gave birth to such a terrible son like you, as if you know everything. I am really convinced that a demon king like me has ended up like this.

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If you can't find it again, it will be too late. Xiao Yusi kept mumbling as she followed Lu Tianxiang. The latter was not anxious, but he didn't say a word because he was in no position to say anything now. Lili tried her best to help Lu Tianxiang.

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Jiang Shi, you don't need to salute me.

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As long as Yan Yu could do it, he would definitely be able to do it. If we don't take a detour now, maybe this is the only way. Lu Tianxiang agreed with Yu's approach, and then asked Yue Long and Luo Cheng to explain to the people below and then start preparing to go. The dark night looked very gloomy without the illumination of the moon, and as time went by, people noticed that the fog began to condense and became denser.

This Nine Emperors didn't look like a good person Jiang Shi checked his magic weapons, including the Bahuang Heavenly Soul Flag, Ice Spirit Pearl, Dark Nether Ring, and Immortal Puppet.

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With this temperature, it's no wonder that even magma can't enter. I'm afraid you'll find that this volcanic eruption is not easy when you come in Lu Tianxiang stopped practicing and turned to Xiao Yanxun and said.

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But this is good, Lu Tianxiang doesn't have to bear this reputation anymore. Things about Xiao Yusi and the three empires are a bit better. Ever since the first generation Lu Rong came back from the ethereal space, he found Xiao Yusi, and it was Lu Rong who took her with him. He came to this world because before he could start the sealing plan, he had to implement some prerequisite plans first.

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